Monday, November 12, 2012


Welcome to Eastern Monarchist. I have created this electronic presence for the purpose of developing awareness to one of the oldest governing traditions known to mankind. I make no apologies now or in the future for offenses that may be presumed to be purposefully inflicted against other international governing institutions proliferating the use of the term Democracy or Republic within their overt structure contained in their definition of governance. It is in this opening post that I proclaim amid a radical new world, destined for a single world government if left unrestrained in its evolutionary process, that Monarchism must be presented in such a way that the reader of this blog may find in it a receptacle of truth  contained in the powers of a Deistic creator represented in a universal earthly presence known as Christ Jesus. This introduction is only the reviving beginnings to the greater lost truths only known to those who accept the divine presence bestowed upon a carefully chosen Monarch or Tsar .

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